
Surgical Tooth Extraction


Surgical tooth extraction is a dental procedure that is routinely performed to remove teeth that cannot be extracted using non-invasive methods. Most tooth extractions can be done using a more traditional approach; there are situations, however, when teeth become impacted, break off, or have complex root systems and require a more intricate procedure to avoid damage as advised by Valley Village dentist. In this article, we will explore just what is surgical tooth extraction, in which cases and why surgical tooth extraction is recommended, and how one should take care of the extraction wound.

Why You May Be Recommended Surgical Tooth Extraction?

Enclosed teeth, weakened teeth, and teeth with a peculiar root structure are among the most often referred to oral surgeons. Let us explore the reasons why:

  1. These Teeth Are Incapable of Eruption

Enclosed teeth are unable to extrude out of the gum and come out fully. They are often a cause of acute pain and tenderness.

  1. Decay Is Significant

Teeth that have severe decay, are fractured, or broken would require surgical extraction if they can not be saved with other treatment modalities.

  1.   A Peculiar Positioning

The minding tooth can present as inclined, twisted, or horizontal. There is no available room for the tooth in the resulting arrangement.

  1. Various Health Issues

Teeth surrounded by polycystic developments.

What Is the Process of Surgical Extraction?

Local anesthesia is administered before pulling the tooth by the oral surgeon to numb the area around the tooth. General anesthesia might be used to make a patient sleep during the extraction process if there are multiple numbers of teeth involved or if the patient is not compliant. The incision is made shortly after numbing, the oral surgeon makes a small incision in the gum tissue over the tooth and then gently moves it to the side to expose the tooth and surrounding bone.

Removal of bone, in some instances, the oral surgeon would have sufficient room to extract the molar. In specific circumstances, however, the oral surgeon may need to utilize a small drill to remove some bone gently. Tooth isolation is achieved by the dentist. With the tooth fully exposed, the oral surgeon utilizes high-grade dental instruments to slowly elevate and remove the tooth from its socket. It may also be broken into smaller portions for quick extraction.

Cleaning and stitch, once the molar is out, the extraction site is cleansed with sterile saline solution, and sutures might be provided to help the wound close and promote healing. gauze, the oral surgeon will put a biting pad or gauze onto the extraction site once the molar is extracted. 

It is better to get your impacted tooth checked by a dentist to make a clear treatment plan and schedule a surgical extraction.

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