


Childbirth is one of the happiest occasions of one’s lives. However, there are times when during childbirth, the baby might suffer a physical injury. This birth injury could either be short-lived or be permanent and cause the baby to be disabled throughout their lives. If your child has faced injury at the time of childbirth, in certain circumstances, you are allowed to file a case and sue for compensation. Medical Malpractice Lawyers Wagner, will assess your case and help you to fight for you and your child’s rights.

What are the causes of birth injury?

Baby’s size or position can lead to difficult birth or even an injury to the baby either at the time of labour or delivery. Large babies, who are over 8 pounds and 13 ounces or babies who are born prematurely, are associated with a difficult birth. Size and shape of mother’s pelvis which is not adequate to give birth vaginally, prolonged or difficult labour and abnormal birthing presentations are some of the examples of difficult births which could cause birth injury to the baby.

What are some kinds of common birth injuries?

  1. Caput Succedaneum: Caput is the swelling up of soft tissues in the scalp of the baby which develops as the baby is travelling through the birth canal. Some babies might have bruises in this area. This swelling usually disappears within a few days. It is a very common condition for babies who are delivered by vacuum extraction.
  2. Cephalohematoma:It is an area of bleeding under one of the cranial bones of the baby. It usually appears hours after the birth in the form of a raised lump on the baby’s head. With time the blood is reabsorbed by the body. Cephalohematoma could take from two weeks to three months to disappear, depending on its size. If the area of bleeding is large, the baby might develop jaundice while the red blood cells break down.
  3. Bruising or Forceps Marks:If there are signs of bruising either on the face or the head, it is due to the trauma of passing through the birth canal and coming in contact with the mother’s pelvic bones and tissues. Forceps which are used during delivery can leave a temporary mark or bruise on the baby’s face or head. Scalp bruising or a scalp laceration (cut) may take place with babies delivered by vacuum extraction.
  4. Subconjunctival Hemorrhage:It is the breakage of the small blood vessels in the eyes. The eyes may have a bright red band in the white part but do not cause any damage as it gets absorbed within 10 days.
  5. Facial Paralysis:Pressure on the baby’s face during birth or labour or use of forceps for delivery could injure the facial nerve. The injury is often noticed when the baby cries as there is no movement. If the nerve is only bruised, then it would improve within a few weeks, but if the nerve is torn, then surgery may be needed.

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